
About The Homes

The RU Recovery Schools of Discipleship were founded on the same faith-based recovery curriculum and methods developed over 20 years ago for the RU Program that have seen success in helping thousands find freedom from addiction. This program in addition to the structure of a residential facility has been providing recovery services through faith-based discipleship for both men and women for over a decade. Originally developed by Steve Curington and now under the supervision of RU Recovery Ministries President of the Board Paul Kingsbury the Schools of Discipleship have produced a program that uses a unique spiritual approach to develop lifelong stability. If you have tried everything else, and are looking for something that “just works” then this program is for you. Every part of our program is in place to transform a “non-functioning” person into a stable, successful member of society.

Program Overview

The Student Intervention Plan

The Student Intervention Plan will be completed during the initial mentoring session between the student and the Intervention Mentor. This Student Intervention Plan will be the basis for all discipleship in the life of the student. The plan is a determination of “areas of concern” for the RU Staff, the family, and the resident. For each “area of concern” our Intervention Mentor and the student will determine a goal for improvement and plans of intervention if these goals are not being met. These “areas of concern” will include, but not be limited to: behavioral, social, emotional, spiritual, physical and legal concerns. This plan will be followed and tracked during each of the students’ mentoring sessions with the leadership of RU. Biblical mentoring is a central component for discovering, and correcting the problems that brought the student to us.

Phase Checklist

To ensure that the student is progressing in their phases every week, the Dean of Homes will keep a running checklist, which will include the curriculum, required reading, and daily journaling. All other areas of the Phase Chart will be checked during the mentoring sessions.

Phase Mentoring

During the student’s time in the RU School of Discipleship, they will have many mentoring sessions with our Intervention Mentor. You will be mentored by the Dean of Homes in group formats on weekdays and individually bi-weekly. This strict regimen of mentoring will be strongly enforced but may vary depending on work scheduling between the student and the program staff.

Daily Schedule

The daily schedule determines what the student will be doing on a general basis from day to day. It is to provide a standard for performance of duties when no other urgent needs are pressing. It will demand the student the discipline they need to structure important things into their day, i.e.: sleep, personal time alone with God, good hygiene, personal study, work, service, rest, play and fellowship. It is subject to change at the request of the leadership.

"It's Personal" Daily Devotions

The first and most important part of every day is spent in prayer and study of God’s word the Bible. Students are taught how to use the “It’s Personal” Daily Journal to develop a dynamic, love relationship with Jesus Christ. The journal shows students how to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth, how to pray according to God’s will, how to meditate upon scripture and to encourage others.


The morning devotions are foundational to our program. If all that a student learns while here is to have a personal relationship with God then that student has gained a tool that will virtually guarantee success. This isn’t “devotions,” it’s real, it’s personal, it’s life-changing, it’s a genuine relationship with God.


The chapel is held every weekday and taught by staff members of RU Recovery and North Love Baptist Church. It is a highlight of our student’s day and we take this time very seriously. This is a time to hear a relevant Bible message and be encouraged in your journey. Speakers are those who understand what the Bible says about overcoming behavioral issues and living the victorious Christian life.
No student will be allowed to work during this time without prior approval from the Director of Housing. This is in the keeping of our commitment to keeping your program first. Your Daily Journal should be kept with you at all services, this includes church services and Bible studies.


Evening Classes

The evening classes are mixed between discipleship, information, occupation and relaxation. They are preplanned and scheduled with little variance from week to week. A good attitude is expected at all times at all evening functions.

Weekend Classes

College-level classes will be held every Saturday. These classes may include Theology, financial management, health and nutrition, basic computer skills, auto mechanics, driver’s safety training and childcare. The college classes give students an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of God’s word, life skills, and Bible doctrine. The classes also prepare students for greater usefulness to their local church when they return home.

Friday Night Class

Every Friday night students attend the Rockford RU Recovery Addictions Class. Each class is divided into three sessions. The first session involves hearing a Biblical challenge from one of RU Recovery’s 10 Principles. This time is followed by a group prayer meeting and sharing testimonies.


The second session is a time men and women meet separately in smaller groups and discuss the overcoming of problems in their own lives. It is a time of letting each person share what is on his own heart in seeking to live a victorious Christian life. There is a detailed curriculum for each member to follow.


In the last session, everyone comes together to listen to a challenge from God’s Word. Afterward, there is a time of fellowship and refreshments.


Church Services

RU Recovery Ministries’ goal is to direct the troubled to God’s intended support group-the local church. As such all students will attend all services at North Love Baptist Church.


God designed the local church to be a support group for hurting people, whether they are in need of salvation, recovery, restoration, or growing in the Christian faith. This support group gives these individuals godly advice, encouragement, and challenges to overcome the issues in their lives. We believe that continued Church attendance is a key catalyst for continuing victory.

Prayer Groups

We believe there is incredible power when people meet together and pray. “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.


Because of this, we have small prayer groups of around 5 where students can lift up one another in prayer. There is great victory when we take our eyes off of ourselves and place them upon the needs of others.

Work Program

All students in the Discipleship Homes are required to maintain employment in the ministry, or with outside employers depending on particular job skills. These jobs enable students to learn hard work, character, successfully coping with a real-world environment, and remain stable. If you arrive without a strong work ethic, you will receive one while in this program. It may be one of the most important ingredients missing in your life.

Discharge Summary

At the time the student is discharged from the program, whether at graduation, willingly or unwillingly early, we will complete a discharge summary. This will summarize our leader’s concerns for the student at the time of admission, the student’s progress in those areas, the reason for their discharge and the recommendations for aftercare for the student. This will be sent within 24 hours of discharge to the people who were most involved in the student’s life during his time in the program. This may include immediate family, pastors, RU Dean of Homes, spouses, etc. Discharge summaries are confidential documents and will only be sent to the appropriate parties.

After Care Plan

The RU Aftercare Plan is a very important step for the student immediately following his or her graduation from our program. It will communicate what the student and his or her support system (family, church, etc.) must focus on during the fragile first weeks outside of the program. They will determine the following:

  • The three most important goals they have worked on while in the program.

  • Areas of concern, goals and intervention plans that demand their attention such as:

  • 1. Stability 2. Medical 3. Legal 4. Educational/Vocational 5. Social 6. Spiritual 7. Marital/relational

  • And, what aftercare programs and restrictions should be placed on the resident

After Care Plans are confidential documents and will only be sent to the appropriate parties.

Our Facilities

"What Are You Waiting For?"

If you, or someone that you know, struggle with addictions, this is the place for you. Please don’t pass up this opportunity to learn about the Truth that sets free.