
Affordable Residential Discipleship With An 80% Success Rate! – Rockford Illinois

Reformers Unanimous has been helping people struggling with a variety of addictions in Rockford, Illinois area for over a decade. The RU Homes are residential drug and alcohol addiction treatment programs for Men and Women located in Rockford Illinois.

A few of the criteria for long-term addiction treatment are if you are:

  • Still displaying drug seeking behavior after completion of a short term, or outpatient addiction treatment program
  • Experiencing relapse after a short term stay in an addiction treatment center
  • Requiring additional time in a structured setting to resolve outstanding emotional, and spiritual issues

The length of stay in our long-term addiction treatment center is approximately 8-10 months. This might seem like a long time, but the results speak for themselves we have seen an average of 80% success rate from our graduates. If you or your loved one is in need of assistance, you can contact Reformers Unanimous at 1-866-733-6768 to speak confidentially with a professional admissions coordinator. Our admissions coordinators are very caring and knowledgeable and would love to take your call and answer your questions. We know it can be tough to pick up the phone and ask for help, but this could be the most important call you ever make for yourself or your loved one! Call Us 1-866-733-6768 or E-Mail us on the form on the right of this page.

Learn More About The RU Homes Here: